Thursday, January 08, 2004

I admire my brother Brent. In my family many a joke has been crafted about him and his "slowness", because unlike the rest of the family, he takes his time getting from point A to point B. His deliberateness has at times exasperated a very efficient, and results oriented mother of mine.

Despite all this, I find myself wishing I possessed his sense of calm pleasantness. I'm always scheming, needing the next big thrill. I like to choose fun, and cram as much of it into a single day as possible. I just don't see that with my mellow brother Brent. Maybe I have completely mistaken his character, but he seems to possess a predisposition to take it easy, and think things out, and do all around thorough job the first time around.

I bring this up, in the context of my ponderings of the Book of Mormon chapter Alma 32, because planting a seed takes time. It's a thing that can't be rushed, and truths are often based upon lifetimes of patient hope.

Heck, faith in Christ is based on the hope of the Savior coming to earth and fulfilling a mission that spans many thousands of years--the whole history of man.

I think in an age of immediate feedback, zippy cars, internet emails, and wireless devices, we're losing a sense of patience. The whole allegory of faith in truth may be lost upon generations who think they can plant a seed, like putting a potpie in the microwave, and have an immediate answer to their prayers or immediate prosperity.

It makes me wonder how long it can last, and who will be left behind. Ah well... if I am left behind, may I be there with my good brother Brent, who probably won't care one way or the other.


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