Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Two Desires of God

Alma 32:22 is one of those scriptures that I think gets overlooked because of the scripture prior to it (which is a commonly memorized scripture because it defines faith), but looking carefully at this one I see two interesting aspects.

  1. Alma tells us to remember that God is Merciful to those who believe on his name. 
  2. Alma tells us one of the desires of God: That we believe on his word
From my days studying discrete mathematics, I think I'm safe in logically assuming one more aspect of God's desires from these two truths. If God desires that we believe on his name, and those who believe on his name obtain mercy, then I think one can state safely:
God desires to be merciful. 
If you've ever wondered what God wants, this scripture verse reveals two aspects of God's desires. I think that's significant. I think I'll be looking for other things God wants, as I continue to study the Book of Mormon, perhaps I'll remember to note them here. If you find scripture references you'd like to share, regarding the nature of God's desires, please note them in the comment sections of this thread.

Thanks, and may we all be more believing--that we may obtain God's mercy.

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