Sunday, February 28, 2016

Studying the Book of Mormon.

Hey all.

It's been forever. We're reading the Book of Mormon as a family again... If anyone has any ideas on how to make it better for your family, post ideas. It seems my kids just want to sleep through it, either morning or evening.

Loves to all.



AuntB said...

Hi there! Thanks for your blog, I love reading your old posts. Anyways, in regards to family reading, we have the most success when we focus on quality, not quantity. We read just enough to start a discussion, then discuss, then wrap it up. It may be 10 verses, or 2, or sometimes a whole chapter. Even with this seemingly disorganized, fragmented approach, the Lord blesses us and we often see His "layering" the lessons in other areas of our lives.
It's awesome when a scripture study goes well and everyone gets into it!

Raymond said...

Hi AuntB! Nice to hear from you. I love your suggestions. We recently started something in our home that's helped us be slightly more consistent. We do one chapter in the Book of Mormon, usually we have the church website read it to us, but sometimes we do it ourselves, then we have each of the kids assigned a day to share a scripture. Since Katie's now on a mission to Taiwan, she sends us a scripture every Sunday night for her day, and then on Family Night we read that together. The scripture can be anything from any book, and it's great. Lionel, my wittle ittle baby boy decided he wanted to read the scripture "Jesus wept." because he thought he was being clever and getting away with a short one, but it led to a great family discussion. I really like the idea of each of us being assigned a day to share special verse once a week. It's not too much to ask, and heck, they can text it to us if they can't be there in person. In this way our family is sticking together, though we're all going in different directions as we get older.

Thanks for contributing a comment, it's nice to know there are a few lurkers out there.

Best regards, --Ray