(Quick Thought)
We often study the Pride Cycle in the Book of Mormon, and think of it in terms of our civilizations, but have you ever applied it to a failed marriage?
It occurs to me that I have a friend getting married soon. He's nonLDS but I am really thinking it would be a good idea to give him a Book of Mormon and explain the pride cycle in detail to him... and how it parallels our relationship, and when we begin to take each other for granted because things are going well, and what happens when we do that... and how we should try to always keep reverence for each other in a relationship.
I wonder how many other lessons are contained in the Book of Mormon that apply equally if we think in terms of the spiritual precepts taught therein.
Edit: It occurs to me that whereever there's a covenant relationship (in the case of the Nephites it was a covenant tween God and the Nephites that he would preserve and prosper them if they trusted in Him and always remembered him), that the Book of Mormon and the Pride Cycle applies. (Then again perhaps that's my analytical side applying too restrictive a parallel... )
Here's a link to an article about Pride in Marriage from the LDS church magazine, "The Ensign" that I thought correllated with my thought.