My friend Aimee sent me this link, is reporting a "Book of Mormon" comicbook and asked what I thought about it.
I'm a big fan of comicbooks, but never thought of it as a spiritual medium. I can't imagine that Alma's discourse to his son Corianton would come off well in comicbook form. Of course it's perfect comicbook material to see Isabel seduce Corianton (or vice versa). Even the more exciting King Benjamin's address, which while interesting that it was on a tower, was a pretty lengthy discussion of the plan of happiness.
In a way I wonder if it won't give people the wrong impression about the Book of Mormon. It's not an adventure romp, though it certainly has dramatic situations in it, it's a very spiritual text, filled with the insights and revelations of the nature of life, happiness and spirituality. That kind of stuff really doesn't translate well to a narrative form.
What would be interesting, and something I have very little objection to (as I've thought about writing a story along these lines as well) is a fictionalization of events and the creation of characters that interract with the characters described by the Book of Mormon IF it is abundantly clear that it is a fictionalization and that people are free to interpret the Book of Mormon as and how they'd like.
Though I've not read them, I know that the early history of the church was done in this way, in a series called "The Work and the Glory" by Gerald N. Lund. My wife loves these books. I can't recommend them, only because I haven't read them, but I understand they're very enjoyable books to read that do a fair job of representing major events in LDS church history...
Anyhow I am of the opinion that the more exposure the Book of Mormon gets, the better, not because the exposure is necessary a credit to the book, but because the book is true, and it stands on its own. It is a powerful testament of Christ, and has changed my life for the better. I can imagine that even a piece of the story will help others, and I only encourage people to get the whole thing, cherish it and make it a part of their lives.
It's a great gift, so the more the merrier, I say!