Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Just finished the Isaiah chapters of 2 Nephi again. I love those chapters. It always leaves me pondering them. They do scare me though. I just don't know who is whom in the interpretation of the symbols. I suppose I sin in trying to use the prophecies like a divining rod; I should just be glad to let the principles govern my life, but I can't help but wonder to what degree of literal interpretation can one view the future through those words. I see a lot of signs in it.

Today in Jacob chapter 2, I was struck by the warning phrase that Jacob gives to his people that they have begun to "labor in sin". He refers to them wresting the scriptures to excuse them in committing whoredoms and getting rich to the exclusion of others. I think it is interesting terminology, though. How often do we labor in sin? We work so hard to justify it, and dedicate our lives to it, and spend our strength in the pursuit of it. It was just a good reminder, and I had to ask myself, to what degree do I labor in sin?How often do I labor to do the things that I know--deep down--are wrong.
