A place for believers to post thoughts insights and ponderings on the Book of Mormon.
Monday, October 28, 2002
Ultimately I think it has more to do with love than God just wanting to punish the wicked. I think God lets us experience the consequences of our actions for a while, so that we can honestly repent. So that we are more willing to remember him the next time we're in prosperous circumstances, and free of the mess we made for ourselves the last time. I think God wants us to think. He wants us to turn away from sin because we have to understand what are the wages of sin.
I think of my own life. I have a tendency to get addicted to things. Bad things, good things... I get hooked on all sorts of stuff. (like video games... ;) If God were to instantly break my fixation on every bad thing, I doubt I'd learn the lessons God wants me to learn. I dunno. I don't know all the things God expects me to learn yet, except that I know I am a fallen man, and I need Him. There have been times when God has delivered me from the more terrible consequences of my actions, because he is merciful, and yet, I often find myself returning to the same sins, again and again... That's not repentance. And so, there have been times in my life when it has seemed to me that God is "slow" to hear my cries. At those times, when deliverance does come, I am more willing, more humble, to do His will, and give my will to Him.
Welcome to the Blog of Mormon, my name is Ray Bingham, and well, I'm a mormon and one who enjoys the Book of Mormon quite a lot. I get the chance to listen to it on CD on the way to and fro my work, about an hour a day, and well, I count myself lucky to have the time to ponder the depth of this great book of scripture. My intent is to provide a place for people to ponder passages from the Book of Mormon. It is not intended to be a debate or a place of controversy, but more of a spiritual rest stop, where folks can join their own spiritual impressions on the Book of Mormon.
If you do not believe the Book of Mormon to be scripture, and desire to have some say, well, while you are free to email me at this address, I really don't much care. I know that there are lots of folks that think lots of stuff about Mormons and the scriptures they revere. That won't change the LDS (mormon) faith, and quite frankly I don't have the energy or the ability to convince you otherwise. For me it is a matter of faith, and that I have asked God as to whether the Book of Mormon is true. In the Book of Mormon, the final prophet to write, promised those who desired sincerely to know of the truth of the book, that they could go to God; after reading, pondering and thanking God for the mercies that God had in their life, and that God would answer their prayers whether the Book of Mormon is true. (See Book of Mormon, Moroni 10:3-5) This truth is revealed by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost, that's how I know it to be true. It is an intensely personal witness, that I feel blessed to have in my life. The Book of Mormon has served me as a guide, as have the Bible and the prophets both modern and ancient, to help me find greater happiness in a very confusing and messed up (fallen?) world.
Finally, the Book of Mormon is a witness of Jesus Christ. It's purpose is to testify of Christ's divinity. Christ is the very God of the Old and New Testament. He did not suddenly come into being when he was born, the Book of Mormon makes this clearer than any other book of scripture. We have the benefit of this witness, to know that Christ came to pay for the sins of his people (the innocent, and those who believe and seek to obey him), and this is the purpose of the Book of Mormon. It is my believe that one cannot know that the Book of Mormon is true without having a firm testimony of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. I state most emphatically that Christ lives, that he will return some day to rid the world of sin, and that he already has conquered sin and death, and he saves his people. He is just and merciful. He is kind and he is love. He desires that all men return to Him, but he will not rob mankind of their agency to choose right over evil. We must choose to follow Him if we are to be saved, for no man (or woman) will be saved against their will.
With that said, I am just putting this blog together, and it will take some time to get it all assembled as I like. I want to put in some links to relevant websites that refer to the Book of Mormon. I want to also provide links so that folks can obtain a free copy of the Book of Mormon, a service done by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But for now here's a link for a Free Copy of the Book of Mormon . Also Check out the official church websites at www.mormon.org and www.lds.org.
If you desire to share your spiritual impressions about passages in the Book of Mormon, send me an email...I think I can get you a login to post them here too. If I can figure out all the details of this place... *grin* Enjoy and May God Bless You,